Training and Education
University Curriculum Development for Decentralized Wastewater Management
Publication Date: March 2005
Cooperating Institution: University of Arkansas
Principal Investigator: Mark Gross, P.E.
Project Budget: $380,996
Project Identifier: WU-HT-01-06
This project will be a coordinated effort between universities and participants to develop curriculum materials for decentralized wastewater management. The goal of this project is to develop modules for a one-semester laboratory and field practicum in on-site and decentralized water and wastewater treatment and natural systems for water reclamation. The deliverables from this effort will be modules in CD-ROM format that can be used by instructors in environmental engineering and environmental studies programs. The vision for the project includes producing modules in a format appropriate for developing a full-semester course, but in such a manner that the modules can be integrated into traditional courses currently being taught at 4-year institutions. The course will include an approach to watershed issues as well as design modules for decentralized collection, treatment, and reuse systems. Subcontractors who will lead substantial parts of the project include the Colorado School of Mines, Texas A&M University, California State University at Chico, Northern Arizona University, Michigan State University, and the University of Washington.