Management, Economics and Policy
Hunters Point Shipyard Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Study
Publication Date: October 2004
Cooperating Institution: San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Bureau of System Planning, Environment and Compliance
Principal Investigator: Michael Carlin
Project Budget: $75,000
Project Identifier: WU-HT-01-34
The feasibility of a decentralized wastewater treatment plant in the former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard redevelopment area, intended to supply effluent to a storm water treatment wetland during the dry months and to satisfy other recycled water needs of the area, will be studied. The study will be conducted by a consultant, and managed by the Public Utilities Commission in cooperation with community and environmental groups represented by the Alliance for a Clean Waterfront. Oversight and review will be provided by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission's technical review committee, which includes academic experts in alternative treatment technologies, including George Tchobanoglous and David Jenkins. The project will begin with the solicitation of public input. Projected wastewater flows and recycled water demands will be quantified and characterized. Issues concerning siting of the plant and treatment technology will be identified and addressed, and a cost/benefit analysis will be completed. Detailed explanations of the technical aspects of the approach will be provided and the financial, regulatory, management, and community concerns and their roles in the evaluation of alternatives will be described. It is anticipated that this work will serve as a template for future work to be done in other developments within San Francisco, and it will be useful to other communities around the country in their efforts to develop less centralized and more environmentally beneficial wastewater treatment systems.