Management, Economics and Policy
Creative Community Design and Wastewater Management
Publication Date: March 2004
Cooperating Institution: University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension
Principal Investigator: Lorraine Joubert
Project Budget: $74,022
Project Identifier: WU-HT-00-30
In partnership with a planning and design firm, URI is developing a guidance manual for local officials to demonstrate the use of alternative on-site wastewater treatment technologies to support zoning for compact and sustainable land use patterns. The manual will compare standard development layouts using conventional septic systems with creative land use development patterns using alternative on-site wastewater technologies, and will address issues such as construction costs, maintenance needs, visual impact, extent of land disturbance, and environmental impacts. The project includes use of selected unsewered sites in southern Rhode Island to illustrate compact design options and application of alternative on-site wastewater options available to support the compact unsewered development.